Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (or just OSLC) was first introduced at the June 2008 Rational Software Developer's Conference in Orlando. It was launched in part with various activities around the Jazz initiative and started with a set of sample specifications and reference implementation.
I started my role as Change Management domain lead in October 2008. I was given the mission to coordinate, facilate and participate in a working group that would define a set of OSLC specifications that solved some specific integration scenarios (more on that another day).
My day job was also to produce a service provider implementation for Rational ClearQuest and assist in the one for Rational Team Concert, which both will be available in the next week.
I have a fairly diverse background as development leads for various change management tools, as well as have worked in many standardization efforts.
I plan to use this blog for various items. To post what is going on in OSLC in more than 140 characters, what has happened and how we got there as well as current topics in the works (and hopefully getting some additional feedback).
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